Saturday, July 27, 2024


So far only Kuwait MoCI Online Shopping is the only way for shopping nowadays in Kuwait and the business of almost all the shopping malls has been badly affected by the coronavirus epidemic. However, various shopping malls in Kuwait have begun an awareness campaign by circulating a set of guidelines on fundamental conditions required to enter the shopping malls and shopping centers in Kuwait.

Ministry of Health and other concerned authorities in the Govt of Kuwait are still in the process of the approvals of these conditions. The operations are to commence keeping the protection of both employees and consumers. Social distancing and hygienic, as well as the use of individual protection for business operators, workers, and consumers.

Marina Mall

Recently, the United Real Estate Company published a circular for the “Marina World” project. The project comprises “Marina Mall” and “Marina Crescent”. The circular describes the basic procedures required to be maintained in a shopping mall during shopping. However, the decision is pending from the concerned officials to reopen the shopping malls in Kuwait after the end of the complete ban period at the end of this month.

Working Hours and Guidelines of Marina Mall

The organizational procedures include defining the working hours in the “Marina Mall”. The working hours will be:

  • For normal weekdays: from 10 am to 10 pm daily.
  • On weekends: from 10 am to 11 pm.

Only 4 main entrances are specified to enter the “Marina Mall” with a capacity of up to 30% to receive visitors and shoppers. To give visitors a fixed time that does not exceed 2 hours as a maximum for spending in the mall.

The management will restrict the presence of more than 5 people inside the shop or unit of an area of 70 square meters. In addition those below 15 years of age without their relatives will not be permitted.

Sterilization of all parts of the complex, including elevators, continuously around the clock. The setting of sterilization points on the approved entries.

The management indicated that all employees and workers in the complex must adhere to using masks and gloves around the clock without giving any exceptions in this framework. Social distance is to be maintained in vital areas during shopping. Standing in a line by maintaining a distance of 1 meter must be practiced.


The guidelines issued by Mabanee company to the workers proactively to guard public health and accelerate the speed of economic and community restoration while recovering quality of life.

  • Social distancing and sterilization and disinfection rules.
  • Personal protection rules (face masks, gloves) for consumers and workers.
  • Employees shall stay home if sick/experiencing indications.
  • Consumers shall not enter if they are feeling symptoms.
  • Restriction of 4 people in elevators each time with foot markers, to be used only by elderly, special needs, and people with trolleys.
  • Place the floor stickers to warn visitors for safe distancing.
  • Sterilize the unit by cleaning it after every 2 hours.
  • Mark the Sanitizer locations in the Avenues application for ease of use as well as have banners telling visitors to use them.
  • Eliminate all benches in public areas.
  • Remove benches from all food court seating areas.
  • Banners to increase information everywhere in Grand Avenues.
  • All screens throughout the mall displaying the safety measures adopted by the Avenues.
  • Dedicating the Avenues Eye for COVID19 Awareness.
  • Compel the visitors to wear their face masks throughout their whole visit.
  • Circulate the precautionary banners throughout the mall.

For Retail and Restaurants

  • Display the maximum customer limit on facades.
  • Place the sticker on the facade to show maximum occupancy and digital payments.
  • In case the maximum limit in the store has been reached, foot markers outside of stores are suggested for social distance in queues.
  • Advise against group shopping on the banners and billboards.
  • Place foot markers behind all cashiers to maintain safe distance.
  • Implement the social distancing in all over the counter purchases.
  • Use only Digital/ Online payment methods.
  • Cosmetic stores will require clients to wear gloves.
  • Keep the Fitting rooms locked.
  • Giving a charged regular sterilizing service for the investors by the Avenues.

Few Words on the News

What we can do is, to pray for this news to be 100% true. Because the full curfew is affecting the business very badly and businessmen are facing huge losses. Moreover, the workers who work on daily wages are also struggling for their daily eatables. Coronavirus has proved it the worst evil and a punishment from God. Now we all should pray to God to forgive all our sins and may we observe the same life as we were living before this coronavirus epidemic (Ameen).

Source: Arab Times



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