Renewal of driving license has been extended for Kuwaiti citizens every 15 years and expats every 3 years.
Al-Kuwait Al-youm newspaper have published a Ministerial decision. Ministry of Interior issued the decision according to bearing no. 270/2020. That is regarding amending some provisions of ministerial resolution no. 81/1976. The object is amending the executive regulations of the Traffic Law. As a result, increasing the validity of driving license for both Kuwaitis citizens and expats.
Thus Article 3 of the resolution stipulates that article 85 of Ministerial Resolution No. 81 / 1976 be replaced to the following text:
Type of Vehicle for renewal of driving license
Private cars drivers having a passenger capacity of up-to 7 passengers
Transport vehicles weighing up-to 2 tons
Validity of driving license
Kuwaitis and citizens of Gulf Cooperation Council : 15 years,
Expats : 3 years
Bedouins is according to the validity of the residence mentioned in the card.
My Views on the News
For expats renewal of driving license has been a big issue. Therefore it seems that one of their big problems is solved. Previously the validity of license for expats was according to the validity of their residence permit. Finally, this decision will bring a little more happiness and peace in the life of expats. As they were not happy with a little validity.
On the other hand, the traffic department will also relax in the coming days. So, consequently, their daily workload will come to a minimum after some time.
In my opinion, it is the best decision in the favor of both, Kuwaitis and as well as expats. What do you say? Please leave your comments.
Source: Arab Times
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