KUWAIT CITY, April 25: A number of medical staff (up to 22 Nurses and 8 Doctors) have been infected by Coronavirus in Mubarak AI-Kabeer Hospital. Hospital have conducted necessary tests and surveys for infected medical staff.
According to sources administration of the hospital has closed one ward of the hospital due to Coronavirus infections among medical staff. As per reports, 2 doctors and 3 nurses were found infected within two days.
The total number of doctors and nurses infected with coronavirus in the hospital are 8 and 22 respectively. It is pertinent to note that these infections could not affect the services and health care facilities in the hospital.
Medical staff infected by Coronavirus are in quarantine now. Hospital is still working in its normal routine. We should appreciate the medical staff (Doctors and nurses) who are taking care of Coronvirus patients by risking their own lives. These doctors and nurses are the real heroes who are fighting against Coronavirus.
What are your stance on the topic? Please appreciate the medical staff by giving your feedback.
Source: Arab Times