Ministry of Health Kuwait announced today on Wednesday, the Kuwait Coronavirus Updates of April 22, 2020. According to the Ministry of Health, the latest update is as under:
- Patients recovered: 31
- New cases reported: 168
- Deaths: 2
- Patients shifted to ICU: 7
- Patients shifted to Ward: 4
Kuwait Coronavirus Updates 22 April Details
The detail of new coronavirus cases in the last 24-hours is as below:
Cases Related to Travel (6)
Detail of new coronavirus cases due to travel is given below:
- 5cases of Kuwaiti nationals related to travel to the United Kingdom.
- 1 case of Kuwaiti national related to travel to UAE.
In-contact Cases (145)
Following new coronavirus cases are reported due to being in-contact with coronavirus patients:
- 5 cases of Kuwaiti nationals.
- 80 cases of Indian residents.
- 10 cases of Bangladeshi residents.
- 21 cases of Egyptian residents.
- 5 cases of Nepali residents.
- 6 cases of Pakistani residents.
- 4 cases of Syrian residents.
- 3 cases of Filipino residents
- 3 cases of N.K residents.
- 2 cases of Srilankan residents
- One case from each country: ( K.S.A, Yemen, Lebanon, Iran, Benin, Jordan)
Other Cases (17)
Coronavirus cases due to reasons other than in-conatct with coronavirus patients and travel, are as follows:
- 7 cases of Kuwaiti nationals.
- 6 cases of Egyptian residents.
- One case from each country: ( Filipino, Jorden, Syria and Bangladesh)
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) State (50)
There are 50 patients in the ICU, of which state of patients is as under:
- 21 cases are critical.
- 29 cases are stable.
Death Cases:
The two deaths cases are both of Indian residents, one was 75 years old and the other was 57 years old.
Final Words
Kuwait Coronavirus Updates of April 22, 2020 is not good because the number of new cases is increased suddenly. This increase in new cases is not due to incoming Kuwaiti citizens rather more expats are among the new cases. This is bad news because the Govt of Kuwait has done its best but still people are not taking care.
What do you say about the sudden rise in new cases? Do you think this rise is due to the carelessness of residents or Govt have not made suitable arrangements to stop the spread of Coronavirus? Please express your feelings in the comments box below this post.