WASHINGTON, April 8 (Kuwait News Web Desk) US President Donald Trump has given news forecast that this week and maybe the next week will be a very painful week for the United States.
A spike is expected in daily fatalities due to Coronavirus (COVID-19). Even during this painful week, we can observe glimmers a very, very strong hope. This week may be a very painful week and next week or at least part of next week and maybe all of it. Trump told reporters at a news conference on Tuesday.
He underlined that every citizen has a role to play in this ruthless war against the killer bug. This is a monster we are fighting with but signs show that our strategy is totally working, he said.
He revealed that the United States has performed 1.87 million Coronavirus tests to date. We now have 10 drugs in active trials with fifteen more soon to follow. We also have two vaccine candidates in active clinical trials. We will do all the best efforts to secure the needed medical supplies. To bring more production of essential medicines back to our shores, Trump vowed.
According to Johns Hopkins University’s tally of cases, there are at least 387,547 cases of Coronavirus in the country and at least 12,291 people have died. On Tuesday, there are at least 19,351 new cases and 1.305 more deaths.
Is Donald Trump News forecast correct?
The time will decide whether Donald Trump news forecast is correct or wrong. But it seems to be true. What do you people say?
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